Creating first application using Bot Framework

In this article series, we will create and run our first application using Bot framework template installed in previous article.

Start Visual Studio, go to File -> New Project and select Bot Application template under Visual C#. Name the project say HelloBots and click OK button.


Here is how the created project looks like

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Setting up Visual Studio to use Bot Framework

Please refer to article 1 in series of instruction to bot framework to know more about Bot framework here

Bot builder SDK is available as a Nuget package names “Microsoft.Bot.Builder” and required .Net Framework 4.6 or above versions. You can also download the source code for Bot framework here

To setup visual studio for Bot Application development. follow below steps:

  • Download Visual studio 2015/2017 from
  • Update all Visual Studio Extensions from (Tools -> Extension and Updates -> Updates)
  • Download Bot Application templates from here
  • Navigate to %UserProfile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C#\


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Introduction to Microsoft BOTS Framework

Bots are an integral part of user’s experience in today’s digital world. Bots can be thought of as applications that performs automated tasks e.g. interact with user and thus eliminating the need for manual support. Some examples of bots from daily life are Cortana And Siri. You can interact with them using text or speech, does some background processing and generate response for you. There are many ways a bot can interact with a user:

  • Text
  • Cards
  • Speech

Typically, while interacting with users, bots use pattern matching algorithms to generate responses from stored set of responses. Creating something like this from scratch can be a real pain but with the improvements in Artificial intelligence techniques and more so with Microsoft’s Cognitive services which provides support for natural language processing, speech and image recognition, lot of things are now available out of the box.

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